Thursday 6 October 2011

Media Work

Mass media is when media is shown in a big audience.
Mediated is when a show shows the best highlights for example big brother gets shown the best parts on the show by someone.

Convention is what you would expect to see in a certain genre. So for horror it would be such things as blood, guns, screaming, darkness, creepy sounds, bright and dark lights mixing together. They are some conventions of horror.

Code is when the you see something in a genre that represents something which communictaes and engages the audience which leads the audience to understamd the feelings of the story. So for example if there was a girl or boy upset the weather would start going dark and raining to show the persons emotion. That is was the code is in a emotional subject.

This genre is very good for picking coventions for exmaple these are some conventions. There are many conventions such as blood, screaming, tension, jumping, creepy houses these are some conventions that would be in a horror movie because these would be expected to be in this genre. That the code for this genre would be something to bring feeling to the audience. So for horror, editing would be a code because it bring tension by if they did lighting effects to show that the sky is haunted to show someone is going to get attacked or is evil.

In this genre there are many conventions that are common in a western film such as guns, tumble weed, saloon doors, cowboys, indians, bar fights and piano playing while in a bar or fight. The code of a western would be when there is conflict between two people, they use a close-up on the eyes of the two men in conflict to show that they have tension between them. Its a close-up camera shot which gives us the feeling that they don't like eachother and will fight because they don't like eachother.

This is a big genre because its a mixture of two genres adventure and action. The main conventions are villains and heros, theme music, chases, violence and damsel in distress. A code for this is that there would be a sound motif for a hero which would be cheerful and that which shows he's a hero saving the world.

1 comment:

  1. Your paraphrasing of what is meant by the media specific term “convention” is fairly good. The work here is incomplete. You needed to list a number of conventions from three or four different genres (e.g. western, action/adventure, science fiction, horror).

    Your definition of the key phrasal term “media code” begins well. You offer the example of a mise-en-scène element establishing emotional overtones (bad weather). However, the work here is also incomplete. You needed to take a range of technical codes and explore their function and effect.

    To complete the homework, anchor yourself with a specific moving image extract and explore how technical elements such as CAMERA, SOUND, MISE-EN-SCÈNE, EDITING or SPECIAL EFFECTS (which may also be conventions of the genre) are used to: communicate with / manipulate / engage the audience; and lead the audience to understand / think / feel / expect certain things.

    Homework incomplete. F
