Thursday 1 December 2011

Drama Soap Analysis- Narrative

Narrative is the story that we created. An open narrative is when the end of the scene isn't finished because the way it got ended by the acting. We used a open narrative because at the end of the scene Shaunice says "this meeting is over"which then followed by her slamming the door. This shows a open narrative because after what shaunice did it could follow to the next episode. It wouldn't be a closed narrative because a closed narrative is when at the end of the episode they end the actual scene so that it doesn't continue to the next episode. In our scene we have a multi-strand narrative because the scene is of the meeting between the parent and the teacher because of a situation between her daughter and another student which makes the scene a multi-strand narrative. A single-strand narrative would be when there is only one situation, so for example if there was just the meeting then it would make it a single-strand narrative because there is one strand them more than one. My scene is more of a serial because it would be the sort of scene you would get in a soap and soaps are serial because they basically go on and on, they are continuous. Series is where they will have a certain amount of episodes, so for example 50 episodes and that will be classed as a series. So my scene would relate to a serial drama soap. My scene would be linear because its always going forward and not going backwards for example flashbacks etc this is effective because it shows importance at the end of the scene than the beginning. Non-linear would be a scene that would involve flashbacks etc. Realist is when the scene would be realistic so for example things that happen daily for people in the real world and not fiction. Non-realistic would be fictional information, so for example a murder everyday in a week. These elements of narrative have helped my group create this drama soap scene.

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